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Whether you are framing your favorite piece of art, a broken water pipe from your wedding night, or your first watercolor, our mission is to create a framing package that shows off your art to its fullest.  We want to draw ALL the attention to what is being framed.


Meteorites, moccasins, posters and photographs, oil paintings, cross stitch, sports memorabilia and even a grass skirt or two, butterflies, bugs and arrow heads; we've framed them all.

Havana PR.jpg
PR Lancaster II.jpg
Salzburg PR.jpg
Salon 1789 PR.jpg
Komodo PR.jpg

We have thousands of framing samples to choose from to make sure you have the best finished frame available.

We stock over 1,000 feet of different framing material allowing us to   accommodate you when you need something framed the same day.

Oxide PR.jpg
Carbon PR.jpg
Hudson II PR Shot.jpg
Linea PR.jpg
PR Cumberland II.jpg
Panzano PR.jpg
Aura PR.jpg
Andover PR.jpg

Our computerized mat cutter will cut your matting to exact precision.


Our VacuSeal press can flatten posters and papers up to 40x60 iches.

Offering both wet or dry mounting.


We can take your damaged print

and work magic.


Damaged print

Same damaged print after 4 minutes

in our VacuSeal press.

Call Us





Visit Us

2600 North Main Ste 106

North Logan, UT 84341


© 2019 jf Prince Gallery. All rights reserved. 

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